Snowbird, freebird.
This is the first time I've been unemployed in 50 years. I stopped working for a few minutes when I was pregnant, but that wasn't being unemployed, that was maternity leave. I quit work one summer to drive cross country, but that was a long vacation - I came back, had a slew of job offers and went back to work. That was in the 60s, now I'm in my 60s.
This is very different. It isn't just not having a job, it's not EVER having another job. I guess the word is "retirement", and I'm not sure why that's so hard to say. Retirement is for old people and despite the rings around my tree, I don't feel old. I left my job because I can't take another New England winter. If I never see another flake of snow, I'm good.
So I left my office today, with a lovely card signed by everybody, the obligatory promise to stay in touch, my head hidden behind stacked boxes filled with old files as I walked out the door. I will never look at these files again. Files are like snow - if I never see another file again, I'm good.
Now I'm on my way to my next adventure. I'm off to warmer climes, to an apartment in Florida that I've never seen. I've gotten very comfortable in my New England life, which is not a bad thing, but the time has come to expand that comfort zone and take some risks. Understand, my comfort zone is only expanding so far: I need cable (DVR included) and a wireless connection. I made sure those necessities were available before I signed the lease. Remember I said an adventure, not hardship.
I don't know anybody in Florida and that's both exciting and a little daunting. I'm friendly, I'll meet people. I have Skype, and e-mails and a phone, so I'm not exactly going into the Amazonian wilds. A new living space, new grocery store, new bank. I'll make it all work.
There's also the issue of getting there. I'm driving, 1400 miles, by myself. I have to navigate around snowstorms, and arrive in time to greet the cable guy on 1/2/13 between 1 and 3. I won't really be going alone, I have Siri, my GPS friend, and a list of all the NPR stations from Massachusetts to Florida.
Wish me well. I'm already facing my first challenge; it's snowing and I can't get out of my driveway.
Awesome! Can't wait for the next installment :)